Friday, October 15, 2010

My My, What a Nice Pair of Er... Cups You Have!

It's Oktoberfest! And that can only mean one thing.... BEER! BEER! BEER!

Last Thursday I decided to crash the GAB Oktoberfest party at Sid's Pub TTDI, where they actually closed the whole street and set up a BEER TENT outside the pub!

The entrance to the Blue Beer Wonderland

They had GAB's ENTIRE portfolio available there for RM5-15 a cup (depending on the beer) and there were games, hot girls in Bavarian costumes, and even a Oompah band! So fun!!!

Best of all, they had a REAL beer from Munich, the ONLY ONE in the whole lineup that you would be able to find in the REAL Oktoberfest in Munich!

Presentiiing.... PAULANER!

You see, the REAL Oktoberfest in Munich only allows beer FROM Munich to participate in the Oktoberfest. Yeah, Munich has six great beer breweries, and Paulaner is one of them, and arguably the biggest one too.

So, being a stickler for tradition, I decided to stay true to the Oktoberfest spirit and drink ONLY Paulaner that day! Woot!

A little info about Paulaner - it's actually a WHEAT BEER that is brewed in Munich, Germany, and is one of the most popular wheat beers in Germany, and Malaysia. Wheat beers are usually a bit cloudy, unlike the crystal clear lagers, because they are unfiltered, and still contain some yeast sediments in it.

When I was in Munich a few months ago, there were SO MANY BEERS to choose from, but the most prominent logo that seemed to be in almost every other pub was the Paulaner one. Apparently, its the most popular wheat beer in not just Bavaria, but the whole of Germany as well!

Not only that, it comes in an awesome TALL cool beer glass as well! Here's me drinking and my AWESOME TALL Paulaner glass with Fireangel and her puny little plastic mugs! MUAHAHAHA!

Suanie The Great was there too, marking the second Oktoberfest event this year we've been freelo... er... drinking at! WOOT!

It was actually quite cool having the two of them around, because I remember the first time I actually met and started hanging out with them was like, five years ago at some Oktoberfest thingy in One Utama, after which I composed the Eyeris Beer Song. :D

Anyway, for THIS Oktoberfest, GAB is having some promotion where for RM50, you can get a whole ONE LITRE BEER STEIN full of Tiger beer, AND you could bring home the stein as well! Now THAT'S a lot of beer...

My my, what a nice pair of er... cups you have, FA!

However, it was only for Tiger, so I decided to stick to my Paulaner instead. But never fear, because the Oktoberfest promotion also includes Happy Hour prices for ALL GAB brands, including Paulaner, which is now available on TAP! WHEEEEE! Finally, a REAL Bavarian wheat beer on tap that doesn't taste like watered down, citrus, beer-flavored water!

Besides, MY Paulaner pint glass was cooler AND taller than those steins anyway! PFFFT!!!

My Paulaner glass is like, taller than your steins!

Another fun Paulaner fact - didya know that there is actually a reason the Paulaner beer mug has a really heavy bottom? The correct way to click your glasses in Bavaria is to click the BOTTOM of the glass together while saying cheers, and drink the beer while looking in your friends' eyes (apparently if you don't, you will have bad sex for a year. LOL).

So yeah, HAPPY OKTOBERFEST (in Malaysia, the Munich one already ended ler), and next time you see me, please buy me a glass of Paulaner ok? WHEEE!

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