Thursday, September 30, 2010

Skewers Skewers Meat on Skewers. Skewer THAT.

A few weeks back, we got an email from The Blogger Formerly Known As Pinkpau asking us to go check out this restaurant called Skewers at Subang Avenue (next to Subang Carrefour), which serves BBQ and grilled meat.

At first I was like, "What, check out a BBQ Addicts competitor? NEVAH!"
But then, I saw the word 'beer' in the invite....

Anyway, when I got there (late), Suan, KY, Haze and Horng were already digging into some finger food, and drinking some sort of sangria drink (which I tried, and didn't really like. Wine just ain't my kinda thing). So naturally, I went for the beer after one glass of that:

Since this is not a food blog (which also means I don't really know what the actual names of the dishes were...); naturally, I'm gonna start off with the drinks first.

Skewers serves Hoegaarden on tap, and the board outside the restaurant says two pints of Hoegaarden at RM45 net (not sure if it's still the same). Not too bad, unfortunately, I don't really like Hoegaarden that much.

But it's still beer, so I ain't complaining. :-D

Anyway, there's a reason why Skewers is called Skewers. All their food are skewered. Ok, not ALL their food, but their specialty IS skewered stuff, grilled and barbecued.

They have skewered lamb, skewered beef, skewered chicken...

And even skewered prawns! Mmmm...

We were also given several humongous burgers...

The fish burger was not bad either...

And finally, dessert!There as apple crumble, chocolate sundae, and best of all, the tiramisu! Woot!

It's not a bad place to eat,
If you like meat, meat and lots of meat.
Hey, that rhymes, neat!

Wanna know more about the place? Click the picture below to check out their Facebook page!

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