1) C'mon, it's SHERLOCK HOLMES.
2) It's not made by Americans (unlike THIS ONE, which sounds absolutely horrendous. Lucy Liu as Watson? You've GOT to be joking).
3) If your only exposure to the character so far is the Robert Downey Jr version, then you've got a lot to learn. While entertaining, the movie version was just a little to cloying, and somehow, too AMERICAN for my liking.
5) THAT title sequence.
6) Benedict Cucumberpatch BLOWS Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock OUT OF THE WATER and INTO THE FALLS. He really IS that good.
7) I especially like how Cumberbatch makes Sherlock so eccentric but not overly so that he looks like a flamboyant but ingenious cuckoo (which RDJ's version seemed to be like at times).
8) James Moriarty is a thousand times more dastardly, chilling, scary, psychotic and ingenius than the one in the movie. Just the introduction of the character will blow your mind.
9) The romance between Sherlock & Irene seems a lot more sensual (not because Irene is naked), and she is definitely better written than the 'damsel in distress' version in the movies.
10) Irene Adler. Naked. Nuff. said.
11) The two season finales are exactly the sort of episodes that make you WANT MORE I WANT MORE WHY ARE THERE ONLY THREE EPISODES IN EACH SEASON GAAAAAH
12) On the bright side, each episode lasts 90 minutes, which is actually longer than some Hollywood movies. This means there is a lot more to absorb each episode, AND the stories are tied up nicely in the end.
13) He may not be as good looking as Jude Law, but Martin Freeman's Watson is everything I thought Watson should be like - prim, proper, a little awkward, and extremely British.

15) Ah, the writing, and the stories. These are not direct adaptations of Doyle's stories but rather, updated, modern version of them, with enough familiar details and situations and iconic scenes thrown in to make it brilliant.
16) Having cellphones doesn't make things easier for Sherlock. It only makes things more complicated.
17) I've compare the way both Downey Jr & Cumberbatch rattle off their deductions in their respective mediums, and found that Cumberbatch's rants are MUCH, MUCH smoother and entertaining than RDJ's, especially since his is a natural British accent, and RDJ just sounds like Tony Stark on speed at times.
18) Nothing to do with Sherlock, but I can't wait to see Martin Freeman as Bilbo.
19) Have I mentioned just how awesome Benedict Cumberbatch is as Sherlock already?
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