Friday, July 16, 2010

NAACP vs. Tea Party

A plan by the NAACP to condemn perceived racism in the Tea Party movement has sparked fiery attacks between the NAACP and Tea Party leaders.
NAACP President and CEO Ben Jealous addressed a resolution being debated at his organization's annual convention in Kansas City, Mo. on Tuesday.
"Expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take the responsibility for them and their actions," Jealous said. "We will no longer allow you to hide like cowards and hide behind signs that say 'Lynch Our President' or anyone else."
In his speech the NAACP leader also took aim at ex-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul -- two political figures who have emerged as icons for many Tea Party supporters.
"Sarah Palin says, 'Let's party like it's 1776.' My white daddy would say be careful what you wish for because the 18th century, Sarah, wasn't good for anybody, even folks like you," Jealous said. "And if you want to debate civil rights, and the Civil Rights Act, Rand Paul, my message to you is this: show the backbone and answer my challenge, set a date and I and the NAACP will be there."

The Republican lobbyist created 'tea party' has been nothing but a front for racist rhetoric delivered via Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh from day one.

Support for the neo-Confederates, support for the racist 'Birthers' and the racist John Birch Society end all debate over this issue. Point at signs all you like, the bottom line is they support racist groups like these joining their ranks and taking on their branding.

The NAACP has come out to speak the truth minus the media bullshit filter that moronic Americans rely on to feel good about their racism and bigotry. Unsurprisingly the racist right-wing has responded by both denying it and calling the NAACP racist in response.

God forbid these racist bootlickers could denounce the liars in the racist 'Birther' movement.

Asking for honesty from a conservative is like asking a rapist to treat a woman with respect.

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