Monday, March 30, 2009

He Without Sin

You may hear those of good-nature and even many secular-types say this:

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

While the message is of the highest importance to us as a people I believe much of this is lost in the changes of how we speak and write and even think in this modern world. The language of our forefathers resonates with some but not with most.

So the greatest of messages of our history are lost to time and to society. I am about to use a modern version of that common quote and I don't want to be accredited but rather want you to use this on someone to make a better impression if ever in the situation where you might say the line above.


"Let the perfect person among you throw the first stone."


'Sin' is not' in' if that makes sense to you at all. The word itself has almost no weight, at least compared to the centuries prior. 'Perfect' however is something that anyone can wrap their head around in terms of something that no one actually has about them as is the idea that we are all with some element of imperfection about us no matter what we do.

The concepts of Original Sin and the Fallibility of Man were so common in the past that they were assumed to be understood in many messages.

I am only attempting to show why we keep missing the message in this national discussion of gay-rights, same-sex marriage and equality under the law.

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