Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In Defense of All Life (Abortion)

Lila Rose is the President of a vicious anti-abortion group called Live Action.

If I could insist that as long as bombings of innocent civilians are legal in the US that we show the results of these campaigns to the public through the imagery of the dead children and the dead bodies of unarmed civilians published in newspapers and televised in the media.

Until we were so sick and tired of seeing the injustice that we would do away with it altogether.

Maybe then we might value all life, like we value American life.

Maybe then we might hear angels signing as we dismantle our blood-soaked war machine.

My request is illegal in the US.

You cannot show the bodies of the dead in US media.

I am convinced that if we changed that law, and had a free press in a country that grants Freedom of The Press, we would see an end to war-profiteering and an end to American Imperialism.

But that life doesn’t matter, not to Lila Rose.

All the corpses of those killed in the name of finding WMDs, don’t matter more than dirt to her.

All those murdered by contractors and tortured by interrogators, don’t matter more than spit to her.

The only life these sort of people care to protect is unborn life. And in the process they want to harm, imprison and in some cases kill anyone who does anything but resoundingly agree with them.


Quoting from Live Action:

"Lila has since launched several successful undercover investigations exposing racism and statutory rape cover-up at Planned Parenthood. Her brave work has revealed new evidence to build a strong case against the abortion industry and lobby."

In other words she has waged a slander campaign like that of the one James O'Keefe waged against ACORN. Most likely she lied to people and targeted this group that she personally feels animosity toward until she found what she wanted to find. Exactly like the false campaign on ACORN.

These people in Live Action are nothing but McCarthy-ists and propagandists.

And there is no such thing as the "abortion industry" nor the "abortion lobby". That's just political spin to make it sound like groups that are Pro-Choice are in fact pro-abortion.

An outright lie.

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