Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mad as Hell about Health Care!

Mad as Hell Doctors

"This Fall, the rubber gloves meet the road."

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Dr. Paul Hochfeld on Ed Schultz.

Quoting from
You CAN handle the Truth

There's no nice way to say it. The financial cost of health care is killing our citizens, hobbling our economy, crushing small business, and threatening the solvency of our government.

In the meantime, the Health Care Industry is spending almost two million dollars a day lobbying Congress and manipulating public opinion to accept “reform” legislation that leaves a vicious, for-profit system intact. The "public option" is a trap. We need real reform that finds immediate savings, controls costs, and accomplishes the moral imperative of true Universal Access.

A Single Payer plan is the only real path to a Health Care System that is socially, ethically and fiscally responsible. And yet, our elected officials refuse to even discuss the possibility of a Single Payer plan!

If that doesn't make you mad, we recommend checking your pulse.

The "public option" is doomed.

First: we will still have a dysfunctional health care system designed around insurance companies.

Second: it will be impossible to cover everyone without raising taxes.

The Obama administration is already saying it is acceptable to leave out 15 million people. Which 15 million? Will you be one of them? Who gets to decide?

Third: in a "post-option" environment you can bet that the health insurance industry will manipulate the rules so that the sickest, most expensive patients will gravitate toward the public plan, which will cause it to fail. When it does, the opponents of real reform will point to the "public option" and scream: "See! Single Payer won't work!"

There is a time for compromise - this isn't one of them.

We believe there is only one way to control costs.


This issue and it's seriousness is severely under-reported or completely propagandized in some media outlets.

This is a map of the uninsured Americans and the percentage of those in your state who are uninsured.

Quoting Dr. Hochfeld from a radio-interview with Alan Colmes of FOX News:

"60% of doctors are in favor of government health insurance. The vast majority of primary care providers are in favor of it."

"We are down to about 30% primary care providers in this country, we should be at about 50%. The more primary care providers you have, and the more resources you put into primary care, the better your health care outcomes and at a lower cost."

"We are wasting 20% of our dollars on health care costs. It's a threat to our security. We can't afford to throw money at health care."

"Once we get rid of the insurance companies we can have a health care system run by health care professionals."

"The way 'single-payer' works is we take the money we are now spending on health care .. 60% of this 2.4 trillion dollars is already going through the government .. instead of calling it 'insurance premiums' it's just called 'health tax'. It's not more money, it's the same money. Because we cut out the insurance companies, we actually get more for our health care dollars."

"I'm mad as hell about the political process."

"I think he [Obama] learned that the industry is far more powerful than he could ever imagine and our political process is far more corrupt than he could ever have predicted."


This last quote is vital for me to point out.

I find it distrubing those on the left would find it easy to throw the man we elected to change things for the better down the stairs just because the system is broken.

That's why we elected him.

Let the man work!

This is called 'incrementalism' and in my view President Obama should have just gone for the whole-nine-yards of single-payer but it's looking like that's not going to happen. Mostly because they are all corrupt in Congress and hyper-corrupt in the GOP so it's just plain outside of the list of options before Obama.

Or at least that's my take.

I support Mad as Hell Doctors and all those fighting for Universal Health Care.

My heart is with you. Let's keep making this case until the establishment will finally listen.

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