Monday, August 30, 2010

JIWANG TUESDAY: Inilah, Barisan Kita, Yang Tetap, Membaris....

Yes, I'm also resurrecting the weekly Jiwang Tuesday, mostly because I've got a new stash of Malay songs! Though the frequency will still be determined by whether I'm too lazy to blog or not...

Anyway, today we're not gonna be very jiwang, because it's MERDEKA DAY!

Whether you're actually feeling the Merdeka spirit or could care less about it and are just enjoying the holiday; this is still a day for celebration. So let's have some er.. patriotic songs to celebrate the occasion!

Tanggal 31

Perajurit Tanah Air

Everytime I hear Perajurit Tanah Air, I keep thinking of the time in UPM when the college seniors forced the juniors to walk around the campus in single file singing the song but substituting every adjective with 'baris'.

Inilah, barisan kita, yang tetap membaris.
Siap-sedia membaris, untuk ibu pembaris!
Sebelum kita membaris, Jangan harap kami baris.
Inilah sumpah pembaris kita, untuk ibu pembaris!

Anyway, I got these two songs from (surprise, surprise) the Menteri Penerangan website HERE, which had a whole lot more lagu-lagu patriotik there.

Funnily enough, I never realized M. NAsir's Mentera Semerah Padi was a lagu patriotik. Which is ironic, considering he's was actually born in Singapore...But there's one glaring ommision though... Where's that 'Setia' Song, the one that goes "Demi Negara, yang tercinta, dicurahkan bakti penuh setia..."???

They've even got the new 1Malaysia song, if you're into that sort of thing...

Then again, with all the stupid shitty news about the state of our country every day, it DOES make you rather jiwang doesn't it? So I guess this IS a Jiwang Tuesday post after all. Sigh...

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