Friday, February 5, 2010

President of Fox News Lies Twice on ABC

Rodger Ailes, President of Fox News, appeared recently on ABC's "This Week" and was at long last confronted on his recent condoning of the most intense fear-mongering and incitement toward violence ever seen in modern U.S. politics & punditry via Glenn Beck of Fox News.

Ailes proceeded to make two non-factual statements and then attempted to dismiss the issue when confronted by Ariana Huffington. Two more pieces of misinformation to throw on the great pile of growing nonsense that is News Corp and Fox News. (And kudos to Ariana for bringing this topic to the table, as it is a very serious matter going mainly ignored.)

Ailes said that he believed it "accurate" to compare to this administration to that of Stalin or Hitler, or his words leave the question hanging as it is obvious to anyone that Beck was not speaking in a past tense of historical nature but in a wild-eyed screaming call to the present situation. Rodger Ailes lied on ABC airwaves in saying that Beck was talking about "Stalin and Hitler" when he spoke of "leading people to the slaughter."

I could by the same tokens that Glenn Beck tosses around say that Rodger Ailes & Fox News are leading us to slaughter. Slaughter of the truth, slaughter of free speech, slaughter of ethical journalism. If Rodger Ailes truly supports the insane logic of Glenn Beck then surely he still understands the need to balance out perspective and provide everyone the opinion of people who think that they are the ones destroying America and intentionally creating fear and hate for the sake of sheer greed. Would that not be "fair and balanced"?

Ailes also created a false apology from Glenn Beck, that never happened. Glenn Beck never apologized for spreading racist lies about an elected leader of the United States of America, he only apologized for his phrasing and inserted literally the exact wording I used when mocking him here on the internet; almost verbatim.

Glenn Beck: "It is a serious question that I think needs serious discussion."

Beck never apologized for what offended so many on many sides of politics, and we are supposed to believe that begging the same race baiting line of questioning is some kind of "apology"!?!

Rodger Ailes lied once again, in a very tight time constraint, to defend Glenn Beck from facing the truth and the light of day.

This would be very much like if I called it an "apology" to just repost "Did Glenn Beck Commit a Murder-Rape in 1990?" & links to and at the top of the post just inserted: "I phrased myself poorly before but this issue is very important and I think needs a serious discussion."

One matter was settled though: Fox News is not a news agency.

When the president of an outfit states that he is "not in the news business, he is in the ratings business" then it proves case-and-point exactly what I, and many others, have said for a very long time: Fox "News" is not news, it's just pure entertainment from every last inch of it right down to the news tickers.

It's like a window into what it's like to be a conservative for the sake of pure entertainment, and nothing more. Like an episode of "Lost" or watching "Family Guy" it is just a big bunch of fun ... but when you really get down to it, it's pure fiction just built to get ratings.

I'm glad that Rodger Ailes was honest to this regard, at least. Because he most certainly is not in the news business.

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